Clicking "Proposal 1: Funding for the second year of the program increases." presents the following text: No. Increased funding is nice, but it is not a direct indicator of improved writing- the change in skill that the outcome aims to produce. More important, it doesn’t show a change in the target audience.

Clicking "Proposal 2: 85% of workshop participants have two revised essays judged better than their original drafts in an independent blind testing" presents the following text:  Yes. This test indicates whether there has been improvement in writing by the independent standards of an expert, though the 2 sets of essays (original and revised) have been chosen by the participant.

Clicking "Proposal 3: 60% of participants sign up for a writing workshop within three months of the end of the Memoirs program." presents the following text: No. This doesn’t provide evidence of improved writing, although it is a great indicator for another outcome of the program—demonstrating they feel part of a community of writers.

Clicking "Proposal 4: 90% of participants who signed up for the workshop attend 80% of the sessions and produce work included in the published anthology of participants’ work." presents the following text: No. This is an output that describes active participation and completion of assignments, but it doesn’t describe a change in the participants, so it isn’t an indicator of success.