Clicking on “Overview” presents text: Why and how can O B P E help me?

Clicking on “Plan” presents text: How can I plan a program, understanding audience needs, working with stakeholders and partners, answering questions: What do we do? For whom? And for what benefitoutcomes?

Clicking on “Build” presents text: How do I carry out my plans for reaching desired outcomes: What activities need to be carried out within the organization? What services need to be delivered to participants? What input of resources is needed?

Clicking on “Evaluate” presents text: How can I measure the results of the program: What would success look like? What would indicate that success? Have I achieved the desired outcomes?

Clicking on the word "Report" presents the text: How can I report on my program? How do I set up data records at the beginning? How will I report activities and services? How can I use my program for further collaboration and funding?

This file contains all the long descriptions for the "Course Overview" page. When read, please go to the next page in the course sequence.