Table containing three columns labeled We do want?, For whom? and For what outcome?

We do what? Clicking the statement "Students feel frustrated at having to travel all across the library to ask a librarian for assistance." presents the following text: No, this is an audience need

For whom? Clicking the statement "Librarians" presents the following text: No, librarians are the program providers.

For what benefit or outcome? Clicking the statement "The computer reservation system crashes only once in the two-week trial period." presents the following text: No, although not-crashing is good, it is only a means to the desired benefit for students.

We do what? Clicking the statement "Librarians provide grouped computers near the information desk and computer assistance." presents the following text: Yes, this summarizes what the library’s staff intends to provide.

For whom? Clicking the statement "Faculty" presents the following text: No faculty are stakeholders.

For what benefit/outcome? Clicking the statement "Forty students use the infopods for group projects during the two-week period of observation." presents the following text: No, this is an output. It is important to know, but just numbers aren’t the goal of the program.


We do what? Clicking the statement "Faculty assign group projects  to undergraduates." presents the following text: No, faculty are stakeholders as they are affected by the program’s outcomes.

For whom? Clicking the statement "Computer technicians" presents the following text: No, computer technicians are partners with the library as providers.

For what benefit/outcome? Clicking the statement "Students effectively work in groups creating projects using library resources." presents the following text: Yes, this is an important outcome.

We do what? Clicking the statement "Students create group projects using library resources with less irritation." presents the following text: No, this is the desired outcome.

For whom? Clicking the statement "Students" presents the following text: Yes, the outcomes are designed to benefit students.

For what benefit/outcome? Clicking the statement "Librarians find it easy to help students with their projects." presents the following text:  No. This will help make the program a success, but the purpose isn’t to make librarians happier. The target audience is students.

This file contains all the long descriptions for the "check your understanding" page. When read, go to the next page in the course sequence.